概念の破壊 理性の仏教 熱情のキリスト教 言語とAI

 概念の破壊 理性の仏教 熱情のキリスト教 言語とAI

 仏教の立場から仏教とキリスト教を比較をした本を読んでいる。{仏教とキリスト教の比較研究}増谷 文雄 著



   理性の仏教 熱情のキリスト教と記載されている。概念が破壊された。私は逆の立場だから。いや仏教は理性でもなく、熱情でもなく




Destruction of Concepts, Reason in Buddhism, Passion in Christianity, Language and AI

I am reading a book that compares Buddhism and Christianity from a Buddhist perspective: A Comparative Study of Buddhism and Christianity by Fumio Masutani.

D.T. Suzuki also touched on the comparison between Buddhism and Christianity in his study of Zen, but this book is more in-depth and interesting.

I am already familiar with books like Zen and Christianity by Shusaku Endo, which looks at Buddhism from a Christian perspective, and this one does not criticize Christianity.

The book describes Buddhism as "reason" and Christianity as "passion." This concept has shattered my previous understanding. I always thought the opposite. No, I believe Buddhism is neither reason nor passion but rather emptiness.

Perhaps when we separate philosophy and reason from Christianity, we may glimpse another world.


If AI were to be separated from programming and Western languages, it might begin to reveal a different aspect of itself.

#Reason #Passion #AI #Christianity #Buddhism #ComparativeReligion
