地域のなくなった2店 新しい店 架け橋

地域のなくなった店 新しい店

 今年 地域の酒屋と牛肉店が閉鎖した。地域のお祭り、コミュニケーションの運営、自治会の運営の中核をにない。食卓を支え、生活の営みを支え、人のつながりのかすがいとなった。私も家族もこの町に来た時から支えれてきた。失われたものは大きい。



福音書、エルサレムの滅亡 最後の日と解放の時。ヨハネの黙示録との共鳴


 議院内閣制 大統領制、国により違う政治形態。


 介護加算 介護保険制度と生活保護法の連携。




 スリランカ格上げ 韓国利下げ   ブラジル 財政削減  オ-プンAi アフリカ言語開発

Disappearing Local Stores and Emerging New Businesses

This year, a local liquor store and butcher shop closed down. These establishments were the backbone of our community, supporting local festivals, facilitating communication, and running neighborhood associations. They provided sustenance for our tables, supported our daily lives, and served as the ties that bound people together. Ever since my family and I came to this town, we have been supported by them. The loss is immeasurable.

Meanwhile, new establishments like a coffee shop, a wine bar, an entrepreneur hub, and an information center have opened. Old stores and new ones were beginning to intersect, but amidst this change, the older stores disappeared. It feels like a bridge that was just starting to be built is now vanishing.

What can I do now? I want to be part of the bridge that was starting to form, even just a small piece. I was about to give up, but now I feel differently.


The Gospels: The fall of Jerusalem, the final days, and the time of liberation. Resonance with the Book of Revelation.

Parliamentary system versus presidential system: Different political structures across nations.
Livelihood Protection Act

Caregiving allowances: Integration of the nursing care insurance system and the Livelihood Protection Act.
Social Science Papers

The intersection of psychology and linguistics.

Sri Lanka’s upgrade, South Korea’s rate cut, Brazil’s fiscal austerity, OpenAI, and African languages.
Hashtags #CommunityRevitalization #LocalEconomy #NewBusinesses #CulturalLoss #BibleStudy #ConstitutionalLaw #LivelihoodProtection #SocialSciences #GlobalTrends #BloombergUpdates
