一番 主体性が、なかったのは、私自身なのだと。気がつく。自分がどの場所とどの場所をどうやってつなぎたいかを自分で決めること
SNS and Paper: Bridge (3) – Agency
#SNS #Paper #Bridge #Agency #Part3
“Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it.”
— Karl Marx, Theses on Feuerbach (Eleventh Thesis)
#Marx #Philosophy #SocialChange
Realizing that the one who most lacked agency was me. I must decide for myself how and where I want to create connections.
#SelfAwareness #Agency #PersonalResponsibility
I want to resolve the situation in which different generations cannot see each other’s circumstances and end up shifting blame instead of figuring out what can be done to survive. To see clearly, we need a historical perspective, along with philosophy and religion. Any endeavor—be it business, a startup, politics, or design—that skips over these foundational aspects is worse than useless; it becomes harmful.
#Generations #HistoricalContext #Philosophy #Religion #Business #Politics #Design #Responsibility
Material and mental poverty in “children’s cafeterias” is inseparably linked to the pride of parents and the pain society inflicts. The situation of middle-aged people (reflected in high suicide rates) and the suffering of younger people (also reflected in suicide rates) are not unrelated. There are things that can be solved through DX (Digital Transformation), and there are things that only a strong labor union can address.
#ChildrensCafeteria #Poverty #MentalHealth #ParentalPride #SuicideRate #DigitalTransformation #LaborUnion
There is no future if we keep avoiding the tax issue. We need to prioritize caregiving and childcare professions above all else, using the current tax revenue to the maximum, then have a frank discussion about where cuts should be made. (See industry-specific wage data and welfare budget allocation data.) Deciding what to cut also reveals where startups, businesses, commissioned services, or volunteering might fill the gap—or whether they are altogether unnecessary. The shifting of responsibilities for child-rearing onto the young and caregiving onto the middle-aged cannot be resolved without taxes and labor unions.
#TaxReform #Caregiving #Childcare #WageData #WelfareBudget #Startups #Volunteering #IntergenerationalResponsibility
From there, we need to broaden our perspective to include healthcare, agriculture, transportation, education, and housing (based on budget allocations and core data). I do not want to lose sight of clothing, food, shelter, welfare, and medical care. I have no time for endeavors in business, design, AI, philosophy, or religion that ignore these essentials.
#Healthcare #Agriculture #Transportation #Education #Housing #EssentialNeeds #AI #Philosophy #Religion
From that perspective, I want to engage both in my work and in labor union activities. I want to hold workshops on local economies, money, and taxes, as well as on the Bible and even planetarium sessions. I plan to gather data, utilize administrative systems and analysis tools, and apply them to creating all kinds of applications and business plans.
#LocalEconomy #Finance #Tax #Bible #Planetarium #Data #Analysis #BusinessPlans
“Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it.”
— Karl Marx, Theses on Feuerbach (Eleventh Thesis)
#Action #ChangeTheWorld #MarxQuote
References and Keywords
The Wedding at Cana: Mary’s thoughtfulness
#Bible #GospelOfJohn #CareAndCompassion
Constitutional lawsuits, welfare, freedom of speech, treaties
#Constitution #Welfare #FreeSpeech #Treaties
Public Assistance Act (Seikatsu Hogo Law)
In caregiving assistance: roles of the contract physician, assistance officer, and caregiving voucher coordinator; reporting to main offices; and seeking advice from prefectural authorities
#PublicAssistance #Caregiving #SocialWelfare #Administration
Natural Science Papers
The importance of evidence-based medicine; experiments and research methods
#NaturalScience #EBM #ResearchMethods
U.S. housing starts are on the rise, with a 62% increase in multi-family units
Declines in China’s housing market have slowed; aiming for 5% growth, meeting the target
#Bloomberg #HousingStarts #Multifamily #ChinaHousing #EconomicGrowth #MarketTrends
### **1. 日本の業種別平均年収**
| 業種分類 | 平均年収(万円) | 男性(万円) | 女性(万円) |
| 金融 | 491 | 607 | 408 |
| メーカー | 481 | 524 | 393 |
| 総合商社 | 472 | 537 | 388 |
| IT/通信 | 460 | 493 | 406 |
| 建設/プラント/不動産 | 441 | 483 | 372 |
| 専門商社 | 439 | 487 | 374 |
| インターネット/広告/メディア| 436 | 487 | 391 |
| メディカル | 417 | 517 | 363 |
| サービス | 388 | 434 | 346 |
| 小売/外食 | 366 | 411 | 324 |
### **2. 日本の社会保障給付費の推移**
| 年度 | 給付費総額(兆円) | 年金(兆円) | 医療(兆円) | 福祉その他(兆円) |
| 1950年 | 0.3 | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.0 |
| 1960年 | 1.2 | 0.3 | 0.8 | 0.1 |
| 1970年 | 3.5 | 0.9 | 2.1 | 0.6 |
| 1980年 | 24.8 | 10.5 | 10.8 | 3.8 |
| 1990年 | 47.4 | 24.0 | 18.6 | 5.0 |
| 2000年 | 78.4 | 42.7 | 26.6 | 9.1 |
| 2010年 | 105.4 | 53.0 | 33.6 | 18.8 |
| 2020年 | 137.8 | 61.7 | 42.8 | 33.4 |
### **3. 労働組合の加盟率**
総務省統計局の「日本の統計 2024-第19章 労働・賃金」によると、労働組合の組織率は以下の通りです。
| 年度 | 組織率(%) |
| 2010年 | 18.5 |
| 2015年 | 17.5 |
| 2020年 | 16.9 |
| 2023年 | 16.5 |
### **4. 自殺率の推移**
厚生労働省の「令和6年版厚生労働白書 資料編 I 制度の概要及び基礎統計」によると、年齢別の自殺率(人口10万人当たり)は以下の通りです。
| 年度 | 15~24歳 | 25~34歳 | 35~44歳 | 45~54歳 | 55~64歳 | 65歳以上 |
| 2010年 | 18.0 | 24.5 | 27.3 | 29.2 | 28.7 | 28.9 |
| 2015年 | 16.5 | 21.0 | 23.5 | 25.0 | 24.5 | 25.0 |
| 2020年 | 15.0 | 19.0 | 21.0 | 22.5 | 22.0 | 22.5 |
### **5. 介護職・保育職の給与水準**
厚生労働省の「令和4年賃金構造基本統計調査 結果の概況」によると、主要な福祉関連職種の平均年収は以下の通りです。
| 職種 | 平均年収(万円) |
| 介護職員 | 320 |
| 保育士 | 340 |
| 社会福祉士 | 360 |
カナの婚礼 マリアの配慮
憲法裁判の対象 福祉 言論の自由 条約
アメリカ 住宅着工増加 集合住宅62%増 中国 住宅下落鈍化 成長5% 目標の達成