特に、テクノロジー系のスコアが430/1000(前回415)とほぼ横ばいで、専門用語の理解が足りなかった のが敗因だと痛感しました。
一方で、ストラテジ系は 570/1000(前回520)と少し伸びた ので、試験対策の方向性は間違っていなかったと思う。
なぜなら、単に試験に合格するだけじゃなくて、現場でシステム担当者と話せるレベルになりたい! という目標があるから。
💡 どこがダメだったのか? 反省点
今回の試験で、特に課題となったのは 「専門用語の定着」と「システムの実践的な理解」 でした。
📌 ① 専門用語が覚えられない
✅ 次の対策:
→ 自分で説明できるレベルまで落とし込む。
→ 「実際にどう使われるか」を意識して覚える。
📌 ② テクノロジー系のスコアが伸びない
テクノロジー系のスコアは 430/1000(前回415) で、ほとんど進歩がなかった…。
特に ネットワーク、アルゴリズム、セキュリティ の問題で手が止まることが多かった。
✅ 次の対策:
📌 ③ システム担当者と話せるレベルにはまだ遠い…
✅ 次の対策:
→ システム担当者に質問してみる、業務フローをIT視点で考えてみる。
→ 「このシステムはどんな構造?」を考える習慣をつける。
🔥 次の試験に向けてのリベンジ計画
✅ ① 専門用語を使いこなせるようにする
✅ ② テクノロジー系を強化
ネットワークの構成を 「実際の業務」に結びつけて覚える
✅ ③ 現場での実践力を鍛える
→ 「このシステムの構成は?」と聞いてみる
🌟 失敗は成功のもと!次こそ合格+実践力UP!
なぜなら、目標は単なる合格ではなく、「現場でITを使いこなせるようになること」 だから。
次の試験では、「合格しました!」 という報告ができるように、そして 「システム担当者と対等に話せるレベル」 になれるように、もう一度挑戦します!🔥
💬 試験勉強のコツや、現場でのIT活用についてのアドバイスがあれば、ぜひコメントで教えてください!ITパスポートの勉強
イエスの触れた女 私に触れたものはだれか
人権 統治 憲法
対中国 関税発動
科学とえせ非科学 反証可能 DEEPSEEK ク-ル 人気 【IT Passport Exam Failure…】 Learning Technical Terms to Communicate in the Field!🔥
Hello, today I have a bit of a frustrating update.
I failed the IT Passport exam.
I thought I had studied enough, but things didn’t go as planned on the actual test.
Especially, my Technology section score was 430/1000 (previously 415), which means I barely improved. I realized that my biggest weakness was my lack of understanding of technical terms.
On the other hand, my Strategy section improved to 570/1000 (previously 520), so my study approach in that area wasn’t entirely wrong.
But I don’t want to stop here.
My goal isn’t just to pass the exam—I want to reach a level where I can discuss technical topics with system administrators at work!
So, I’m reflecting on the reasons I failed and outlining my action plan for the next attempt.
💡 What Went Wrong? My Reflections
This time, the biggest challenges were memorizing technical terms and gaining a practical understanding of IT systems.
📌 ① Struggling to Memorize Technical Terms
There are too many katakana terms and abbreviations, and I couldn’t keep track of them all!
During the test, I kept thinking, "I've seen this before, but… what does it mean again?" and wasted valuable time.
✅ Next Steps:
Create a vocabulary list and focus on output learning.
→ I’ll make sure I can explain each term in my own words.
Use diagrams and examples to grasp concepts.
→ Instead of memorizing blindly, I’ll think about how these terms are used in real-world applications.
📌 ② Stagnant Technology Section Score
My Technology section score only went from 415 to 430/1000, meaning I barely made any progress.
I particularly struggled with networking, algorithms, and security questions.
✅ Next Steps:
Visualize network structures (router, switch, protocol relationships)
Practice writing algorithms! (Draw flowcharts and write simple code)
Understand security concepts through real-world cases (firewalls, encryption, etc.)
📌 ③ Still Not at the Level to Discuss IT with System Administrators
During my studies, I realized that I thought I knew about IT systems, but in reality, I have a long way to go.
To communicate effectively with system administrators, I need more practical, hands-on knowledge.
✅ Next Steps:
Actively engage in IT-related work situations!
→ Ask system administrators questions, analyze workflows from an IT perspective.
Research real-world business systems and tools to understand what technologies are being used.
→ Develop a habit of thinking, “How is this system structured?”
🔥 Next Steps for My Retake
This time, I don’t just want to pass—I want to reach a level where I can use IT effectively in my work!
✅ ① Mastering Technical Terms
Create a vocabulary list and practice explaining terms daily.
Research practical applications of IT terms (e.g., "This system uses an API").
✅ ② Strengthening the Technology Section
Learn networking concepts by connecting them to real-world business cases.
Write and test algorithm problems as code to reinforce understanding.
✅ ③ Developing Practical IT Skills
Engage in more conversations with system administrators.
→ Ask, “How is this system structured?”
Think about IT system optimization in daily work.
🌟 Failure is Just a Step Toward Success! Next Time, I Will Pass + Improve My IT Skills!
Failing this exam was frustrating, but I refuse to give up here.
Because my goal isn’t just to pass—I want to become proficient enough in IT to communicate effectively with professionals.
Next time, I’ll make sure I can proudly say “I passed!” and “I can talk about IT with confidence.”
If you’re also struggling with IT terms or system understanding, let’s tackle this together! 💪🚀
💬 Share your study tips and experiences with IT in the workplace in the comments!
#ITPassport #StudyHard #TechTerms #Networking #Algorithms #Cybersecurity #CareerGrowth #ITStrategy #FailedButNotGivingUp
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